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Individual/Family/Couple/Life Coaching/Parent Support Group/Community Resources Referrals

Initial Assessment

Establish Goals

Work Together

Celebrate Progress

A knowledgeable and trustworthy mental health provider can be the greatest ally in coping with mental illness.  While the length and type of therapy varies greatly from case to case, people with mental health conditions often find talking to a mental health professional very helpful.  Talking with a therapist or counselor can help deal with thoughts, behaviors, symptoms, stresses, goals, past experiences, and other areas that can promote recovery.

Open Field

The main goal of EMNS is to provide access to mental health services primarily to African American individuals and families who may not otherwise seek or have access to mental health services.  As a Nonprofit Organization, EMNS has the ability to provide services at low or no cost. If you or someone you know is living with a mental illness contact EMNS for intervention options.   

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